There are plenty of ways to make money online these days, no matter what skills you have to offer. Fiverr is one of the easiest ways to make money from home, as it is so versatile. Now as the name suggests you get $5 per gig, so it may not make you a fortune, but it can be great for earning a bit of money on the side.
It’s also a great place to start if you don’t have a lot of experience making money online. It gives you a chance to get your name out and practice your skills. Read on to find out how it works and how you can use this website to start making money from home.
What is Fiverr?
Fiverr is a popular global online platform used by students, freelancers and anyone looking to make money online. As Fiverr puts it, it is
the marketplace for creative & professional services.
It’s basically a website where people do things for $5 and it ranges from the incredible useful, practical and creative gigs, to the plain bizarre. Just check out their fun & bizarre section and you will see what we mean. These are some of my favourites:
As you can see, people really know how to get creative. Of course, there are more serious services you can offer, such as content writing, translation, invitations, illustrations and much, much more. Take a look at the services listed for some inspiration on the type of services you can advertise.
Only Offer Quick Gigs
While Fiverr can be a great way to make money online, it’s not exactly going to earn you a fortune at $5 a gig. Well, after you subtract all the fees you actually end up with about $4. If you are offering your services, make sure they are ones you can complete fast. Stick to what you know so you can get through the work quickly and confidently.
Ideally, you want to sell services you can complete within 5-10 minutes. That means you can earn at least $24 an hour, which makes it much more appealing. There is no point spending hours on something that only earns you $4.
How to Make More Than a Fiverr
Now, the whole point on Fiverr is to be able to buy and sell services for $5. However, there are ways you can earn more money from selling that one gig. By making efficient use of gig extras and increased quantities you can vastly improve your earnings.
Here are three simple ways to earn more money:
Offer an additional related service: Once your seller level increases, you can start to earn more money online by offering gig extras. This is the easiest way to boost your earnings and there are several ways to do it no matter what services you are selling. Keep timing in mind; the best thing is to find ways of offering extras that don’t require additional time.
If you are offering to design a logo, you can offer them a basic png or jpg image for $5, but charge extra for a high quality print image, PSD image or even for faster delivery. If you are offering children illustrations, you could charge extra for additional characters, a full image with background or a higher quality image.
Charge more for Commercial Use: This works well if you are selling something like a design. You can sell it at the basic price if it will be used for personal use only and charge extra for commercial use if the use is intended for profit.
Sell yourself: Fiverr is a great way to get your name out in your desired industry. You can sell basic services on Fiverr, but take advantage of the contacts you make and sell them premium services down the line. The key is to get great reviews, repeat business and people will start asking for more.
Create Multiple Versions of the Same Gig
Once you get started on Fiverr and have created a quick gig that sells well, you can start to advertise it in different ways. You basically want to create different versions of essentially the same gig to help different users find your services.
Let’s take a look at popular users Orcatek as an example. These two actors help to make ‘your business look good’ by creating videos. Here are some examples of the gigs they have on offer:
Rather than just sticking to one or two gigs, they have used their acting skills to their advantage and offered a variety of essentially the same gig; a short, professional video that can be used to visually improve your business.
Incentivise Repeat Orders
One way to earn more money is to encourage repeat business. This is particularly useful in the early days when you are trying to establish yourself and the services you provide. You can do this by offering buyers more on their next order.
For example, instead of writing a 500-word article, you could say you would increase the word count to 600 words on their next order. You can apply this to basically any gig and it’s a great way to get repeat orders. It will also help to get you better reviews, which will help to attract more business and work in your favour in search results.
Avoid Negative Reviews
This may sound pretty obvious, but if you want to keep making money online with Fiverr, you need to get good ratings. Getting bad reviews will not only stop you from getting repeat business, but it can also put off new buyers. With so much competition, you need to do what you can to avoid bad ratings.
Here are some tips to help you dodge bad reviews:
- Avoid late deliveries: You can do so by being realistic with your advertised completion time. Ideally, you want to give yourself at least 4 days and make sure you incorporate Fiverr gigs into your weekly routine.
- Clearly explain your services: The last thing you want is for someone to cancel an order. You can avoid this by being clear in the description of the service you have to offer. Providing examples of previous works is the best way to clearly demonstrate what you have to offer.
- Communication is key: In order to make sure that the buyer gets exactly what they want, you need to clearly communicate with them. Ask them for clear instructions and don’t be afraid to message them if you need something cleared up. This can help you save time and a bad review in the future.
There are several ways to make money online these days and Fiverr is an excellent platform for those just starting out. The key is to offer realistic services that you can complete quickly and without too much effort. You want to make the most of the gig extras and build relationships with your buyers. For many people, Fiverr is just the beginning of their online career.
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